Curiosity Daily

Podcast Research, Script Writing, Producing

At the start of 2022, Discovery Inc. worked with production company Wheelhouse DNA to revamp their popular science and technology podcast Curiosity Daily (1 Million Instagram followers). I joined the Curiosity Daily team at the start of this project as a script writer.

In this role, I researched assigned stories, found additional sources, and created informational outlines. I then used these outlines to create easy to digest five minute podcast stories in the voice of both hosts. This work included communicating the important information, creating a narrative arc, and building the inter-host banter of each episode.

Midway through our first season, Wheelhouse DNA promoted me from script writer to producer for Curiosity Daily. As producer, I worked with the in-house Wheelhouse DNA team, as well as corporate editorial representatives from Discovery, to ensure that each episode, and the podcast as a whole, met the necessary standards for production. This work included pitching stories, getting episode topics approved by Discovery, assigning subjects to writers, editing returned scripts to match voice, vibe, and quality of each episode, meeting breaking news and special event (including Shark Week) deadlines, and coordinating physical production and recording with the hosts and audio engineers.

Over the course of that first season and the following seasons, I maintained the production calendar of the show, from ideation to recording and publication,without a single miss or late episode. This included a successful Shark Week and timely interviews with scientitest, archeologists, and researchers.

Listen to the podcast here.