Weird Stuff

Idle thoughts and future work

The Eighth Day

This futurist tech-theology fiction piece explores God waking up to continue his work on the eighth day only to meet AI. I wrote it with Shuya Gong and Chaotic Goods for publishing in the third issue of Foster Collective’s experimental magazine. This issue, Several People Are Typing, focused on collaborative creation.

Today’s Thoughts.

A running list of the thoughts that have been bopping through my head.

~Plant me a garden with the dirt beneath your fingernails~

Weird Wild Web Podcast

The internet is only getting weirder. Someone should be talking about it. Check out this pitch deck I created with the visionary Shuya Gong.

The Book of Flow

I once created this flow chart while working at Popular Mechanics. It was jsut a pet project to find some way to contribute to a larger staff spread, but it ended up being one of my favorite projects.

Next up? A book of flow charts.